@ $212/- for 3rd treatment, which is the same as compared to the last treatment
1st: $382
2nd: $212
3rd: $212
Total spent on treatment so far: $806
There isnt much medication except for Bilaxten 20mg which is for the itch during healing process.
Bilastine can be therefore classified into the same chemical group as many of the new antihistamines on the market, although it is not structurally derived, nor is it a metabolite or enantiomer of any of them, but an original molecule designed with the intent of fulfiling all the requirements of a second-generation antihistamine.
Possible side effects of this medication includes headache and drowsiness. Uncommon side effects (affects 1 to 10 users in 1,000) include abnormal ECG heart tracing, blood tests which show changes in the way the liver is working
More info of this medication can be located here.