
Thursday, 1 June 2017

My first laser tattoo removal for year 2017

Today marks the 11th session for my tattoo removal but its also the first for this year! I reached 8:40am+- to apply the numb cream and went for my breakfast thereafter. Came back after an hour plus for the procedure. Laser treatment done using the latest machine called Picoway Syneron Candela. (Hope I called it correctly) After the treatment, the burning sensation was fantastic, if you get what I mean!

Here is an attached picture of what it looks like after the treatment.

Told the doctor that I needed some meds for itchyness, just in case. Doc prescribe bilaxten 20mg x 10 tabs.

Looking forward to my 12th treatment in 6 weeks time from today. Cant wait to see the end results. This is killing me.. The damage for the day? SGD $230. :(

Update soon in 6 weeks time guys. Chow!