
Wednesday, 23 November 2016

What you must not do before your tattoo removal

Today, the solutions available for tattoo removal are more effective than ever before. Laser tattoo removal solutions have come a long way in recent years with advance technology and machines.

It can be helpful to educate you about the measures you must not do before your session.

Don't get a spray tan or use fake tan lotions.
Fake tan obviously doesn’t come with the same UV exposure as actual sunlight, it can affect your tattoo removal, as you could be coming back for multiple sessions when actually only a few are required. If your body has absorbed products containing toxins, it could mean that you have to spend more time, and money than you need to on tattoo removal. What’s more, some fake tans contain products that can react badly with laser treatment and create pigmentation in the skin.

Don't forget to mention medications you are taking.
Tattoo removal that takes place using the PicoSure laser can be suitable for a number of different people. However, as with a range of different treatments, there are certain precautions that need to be taken, and some medications may interact negatively with your session. Informing your doctor beforehand of the various medications you are taking will help them to decide whether it is safe for you to proceed with laser tattoo removal.

Don't expose your tattoo to sunlight.
Staying out of the sun might not seem like a big deal when you’re approaching your tattoo removal session. However, exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun can increase the natural production of various substances in the body – such as melanin and vitamin D. Melanin soaks up radiation, and causes your skin to tan in the sun – but it can also affect the way that your body responds to the light waves that are used lasers. Staying away from sunlight and UV radiation will help to ensure that your skin is as protective, receptive, and durable as it needs to be for a successful treatment.

Don't come straight from the tattoo studio.
Even if you decide, straight after getting a tattoo, that you want it removed, that doesn’t mean you should head straight in for a session. Exposing your skin to removal treatments too soon after tattoo placement can lead to scarring and ink retention. The reason for this is that tattoos are created through a long-term process of ink entrapment and dermis healing. After a period of around three months, you can rest assured that the pigment will have settled properly into the skin, ready to be removed. Waiting three months will ensure the ink has settled, and the immune system is back on track.

Don't use mechanical epilation.
An epilator is a form of electrical device that is used to remove hair from the skin by pulling multiple hairs out of the body at the same time. Though many people prefer this form of hair removal to other options available on the market today, it’s important to note that mechanical or chemical epilation within a period of six weeks prior to the treatment can alter the healing process.

Monday, 14 November 2016

PicoSure Laser Tattoo Removal Contradictions & Precautions

Tattoo removal with the PicoSure laser is generally suitable for most people; it’s very rare that it can’t treat someone. However, like all laser treatments there are contradictions and precautions that need to be considered for your own safety.

Below are the Contradictions and precautions that are taken into consideration for PicoSure laser tattoo removal treatment.


  • Hypersensitivity to light in the near infrared wavelength region.
  • Taking medication which is known to increase sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Seizure disorders triggered by light.
  • Have type 1 diabetes.
  • Take or have taken oral isotretinoin within the last six months.
  • Have an active localised or systemic infection, or an open wound in area being treated.
  • Have a significant systemic illness or an illness localized in area being treated.
  • Have lupus.
  • Have common acquired nevi that are predisposed to the development of malignant melanoma.
  • Have herpes simplex in the area being treated.
  • Are receiving or have received gold treatment.
  • Are pregnant.


It’s the therapist’s discretion to determine feasibility of treatment administration for the following precautions:

  • Unprotected sun exposure within four weeks of treatment, including the use of tanning beds. Sun exposure is the most common reason for treatment refusal.
  • Use of tanning products within four weeks of treatment, such as creams, lotions and sprays; these may interfere with the laser treatment.
  • We can treat patients with type 2 diabetes whose condition is well managed. In some cases we may need a doctors note.
  • Anticoagulants may cause excessive bleeding and interfere with post-treatment healing.
  • Medications that alter the wound-healing response may interfere with post-treatment healing and may require special precautions to be taken by the treating therapist.
  • If patient is known to have a history of healing problems or a history of keloid formation.
  • If patient has a history of skin cancer or suspicious lesions.
  • Chemical depilation or mechanical epilation within the last six weeks may interfere with the post-treatment healing process.
If you’re having a tattoo removed or considering it, it’s important you are made aware of the contradictions and precautions listed above. :)

Monday, 7 November 2016

9th Treatment Of My Laser Tattoo Removal

Today marks yet another day of my laser treatment. Time really flies whenever I think back of this journey, when I have made the decision to remove my tattoo. Tracking back my post, the day when I first started was 22nd Dec 2015. Its almost a year!

Above are the pictures of my tattoo ending the 8th treatment. (Before treatment)

I arrived early to apply the numb cream and took about an hour for it to take effect. I have mentioned about the new machine on my earlier post. The discomfort as minimized greatly or was it that I am used to the treatment and have become think skinned! With the cool air blowing out from this machine, the outcome of the treatment was definitely a breeze. Here are the pictures after the 9th treatment.

Immediate effect after the 9th session.

Upon reaching home during the evening, I removed the dressing and took another picture. This summarized my day.

The usual reddish battered and bruise

To be updated soon till my tattoo is totally removed!